An Important Notice Concerning Your Privacy   

Maintaining your trust and confidence is a high priority. That’s why we want you to understand how we protect your privacy when we collect and use information about you, and the measures we take to safeguard that information. We also want you to understand the benefits of your relationship with us, including information or offers you may receive from us through the mail, by email or by telephone.   
Information We Collect  

As part of providing you with our products and services, we may obtain non-public personal information (“Customer Information”) about you, including but not limited to:  

  • Information we receive from you (such as name, address, date of birth, and email address) on applications, surveys, online registrations or other forms.   
  • Information from vendors, partners and other third parties about products and services you have purchased and/or used.  

We strive to maintain accurate, complete, and relevant personal information for the purposes identified in this notice. Individuals are responsible for providing us with accurate and complete information, and for contacting us as soon as possible when correction of such information is required.  

Disclosures to Service Your Account  

In order to provide customer service to you, it is often necessary for us to disclose Customer Information to companies that work with us. We may also provide certain Customer Information to companies that perform services in connection with our services or programs, or that perform other business operations or services, including marketing services on our behalf.   

Disclosures to Provide You With Offers for Products and Services  

An important benefit of your relationship with us is the opportunity to receive offers for products and services from companies that provide special programs, services, or discounts for our customers. We try to provide these offers to customers who are most likely to find them of value.  

If you prefer, you may opt out of these disclosures by following the instructions at the bottom of this page.   

Our Website  

We compile data collected from our website and online surveys to produce reports that help drive improvements in the quality of our website. Such information is based on aggregated, anonymous information and does not include any personally identifiable information about individuals. These anonymous reports may be shared with vendors, partners, and other third-parties.  

We also use cookies to help personalize your online experience. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by our web server. We do not collect any personal information with this cookie, nor will we track any visitor once they have left our website.  

Opting Out  

If you prefer we not disclose Customer Information about you to third parties, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted or required by law) by sending your request to: [email protected].  

If you do not wish to receive periodic mailings or phone calls from us, please let us know sending an email to: [email protected] or by calling (513) 549-4749. Please provide us with your exact name and address.   

If you do not wish to receive future emails from us, or from our partners, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link included in the footer of the emails, or by contacting us at: [email protected] indicating your preference to opt-out of emails.  

Your request will be processed immediately, but it may take up to 8 weeks for contact to be suppressed due to programs already in progress.  

When communicating with you about your account, information about other products and services may still be included in those communications.